Cleansky : Tactile tables

Client: Cleansky JU Section: Transport, Aviation, Industry

SCOPE : Create tactile tables experiences.

  • #film
  • #3Danimation
  • #2Danimation
  • #interactiveexperience
  • #design


The Clean Sky Joint Undertaking (CSJU) is a public-private partnership between the European Commission and the European aeronautics industry that coordinates and funds research activities aiming at delivering significantly quieter and more environmentally friendly aircraft. The CSJU manages the Clean Sky Programme (CS) and the Clean Sky 2 Programme (CS2), making it Europe’s foremost aeronautical research body.

Clean Sky wished for event tools, that would promote their aeronautical technologies and communicate about tangible results it will bring to the European economy and citizens. For this reason, we went the extra air-mile and created two interactive applications.


First tactile application : CO2 emission check

For the first project, we produced an interactive table app, which showcases the significant savings that aircraft can make in terms of burning less fuel, emitting less CO2 and leaving a smaller noise footprint.

The 3D model of the aircraft takes off from the event destination, goes en route and lands to one of the main airports in Europe. The user “travels” comfortably -without having to pay those extra fees for business class. The user also receives -instead of complimentary drinks- dynamic info about the amount of CO2 emitted by the aircraft.

What about the noise part you might ask? After the aircraft has landed, the user can also discover the difference in noise footprint left by an aircraft with and without the Clean Sky technologies. And just when you think it’s over, the visitors can type their e-mail address and receive the full journey straight to their inbox!

Second tactile application : Impact of green technologies on the future

For the second project, we searched in the future and produced a state-of-the-art, ideal for events, interactive application to be shown on a large tactile screen. The guest is guided by the application to place 4 wooden blocks in certain points of the screen and rearrange their position. At first glance, the blocks look abstract but fear not they aren’t -it all makes sense in the end. When the wooden blocks are in contact with the tactile screen, visuals/information about Clean Sky and technologies show up.

The goal was to provide the CS team with a tool that would enable to maneuver the world and space of “imagination & vision” and could give hints of the technologies that could be involved in a future CS3 programme.

The grand finale is when the 4 wooden parts are being put together and shape a plane, and the ‘surprise’ content/ video and messaging appears -we told you it all made sense in the end!

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